This is the post I'd like to called a "twofer".. you're getting a two-for-one post. :) I've been intending to write about a certain subject for a couple of weeks now and the other subject was just discovered so I thought I'd throw the two together.
This concoction might look unappetizing, but that is because it is not meant for you to eat. This is orange peels & vinegar. Get you some oranges and eat the innards and save the peels in a mason jar. When somewhat full, fill up with vinegar just enough to cover all the peels and seal the jar and leave it in your kitchen for 2 weeks. This gives it enough time to really soak up the peels. Then strain the peels and put the orange-y vinegar in a spray bottle and now you have a great smelling and great cleaning agent for your kitchen counters! I went all over the kitchen cleaning things and not only did it smell good but everything was shining!!!!
Here is my original Pin:
Now to the Odor Absorber..........
I have had this nagging stench in my bathroom for weeks. I'd clean the tub, the vanity, the toilet a million times and could never get rid of it. Then I saw on Pinterest about putting BAKING SODA in the toilet bowl and it'll absorb the odor!! So all you do is put 1 CUP of Baking Soda in your toilet bowl and walk away for an hour. So a good time to do it would be right before you go to clean your bathroom. I did it while I was doing my floors. Then an hour later just go back and flush and VOILA!!! Odor gone!!! I'm a believer!!!
Keep Baking Soda on hand..... there is so much you can do with it! :) The website that the Pin led me to also has 75 other uses for check it out! Life Hackery
Here is my original Pin:
Happy Pinning!! :)